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Is it safe to put my credit card details on TMA website?
Is it safe to put my credit card details on TMA website?
Movement Athlete avatar
Written by Movement Athlete
Updated over a week ago

Our website is using https protocol, which means it's encrypted and no one can see or read the details being sent. You can verify that we do use https / ssl encryption by looking at how our address starts (it starts with https) & by the sign of the padlock before the address. You can also click on the padlock in the browser to see the details of our ssl certificate, which is provided by a certified external agency.

We do not store any credit card details, our app doesn't even see it - we're sending it directly to the payment provider, which in our case is Stripe, who processes the payment. All we know from stripe is that the payment was successful & we can go ahead and prolong the subscription.

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